This simple Stuffed Butternut Squash with Tofu is healthy comfort food at its best! Flavorful, satisfying, and full of potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin A! You can serve this dish...
This Vegan Paella will bring everyone to the table with its distinctive golden color, smoky flavor, caramelized crust, and mouth-watering aroma! Paella – one of the best-known dishes in Spanish...
The easiest vegan chickpea burgers! Deliciously savory, crispy on the outside, soft on the inside, packed with flavor and veggie burger goodness. If you tried this recipe, stay tuned for...
❓ What´s Masala Vada? – Masala means a mixture of spices and vada is a fried lentil snack. It´s a popular south Indian tea time snack. It is also common...
Here’s an easy and delicious way to serve tofu for breakfast as a supper dish! Eggs might be one of the hardest foods to give up when you go plant-based,...
Polenta, a Northern Italian dish has always been popular for its simplicity and versatility. Polenta is made of stone-ground dried yellow corn kernels that have a flaky texture. Creamy and...
This flaky pie makes a cracking weekend lunch. Serve it with a selection of salads, or simply by itself with a dollop of thick, seasoned vegan yogurt. If you tried...
❓ Why is this one of the best soups ever? Let me explain: During cooking, okra exudes a mucilaginous liquid that lends the soup with a sumptuous, silky texture. The...
People love this as a nibble, starter or side, and are always surprised if you use different colored heritage carrots – pink, purple, yellow . . . whatever you like!...
This hits the spot when you’re craving Indian food. It’s lusciously creamy and easy to make right at home in one pan with simple ingredients! Serve it up over rice...